Thursday 8 April 2010

Crepe Menu

Galette Menu

Tuesday 6 April 2010

Tuesday 30 March 2010

Act to save the cafe - write now!

A BIG thank you to those who put up the Facebook page Save the Engineering/Richmond Café - The Coffee Workshop! 
Also to all our dedicated customers who have already put pen to paper, in response to the email below, and made their thoughts known to the powers that be.
Did you receive it?  We contacted everyone who left their address in the cafe, but we couldn't read all of them.....
Right now we're in France restocking supplies of those chocolate tablets we serve with coffee!
We look forward to seeing you all at the beginning of term. In the meantime, have a relaxing 'spring' break.
Bonnes vacances et bon appetit!
Judy & Arnold

Here's the mail which you may or may not have got......
Dear supporters of the continued existence of the cafe,
We are at last writing to you to ask if you are prepared to take a few moments to help us in our efforts to stay open beyond the end of the year. We have recently had a meeting with the registrar, and it was made quite clear to us that the university has no intention of making an exception of our cafe to its policy of closures. We have not thought it worthwhile to produce a petition, but it seems to us that a tidal wave of well aimed objections to the unnecessary closure of our cafe may be the best move at this stage.
We suggest you address your concerns to the vice chancellor, to the chair of council Simon Fanshawe, to the chancellor, and to any members of the senate you may know.  We would appreciate it if you could also invite your own friends and contacts who know the cafe to do the same.
We, and of course, our customers have created a congenial haven where staff and students from all corners of the campus feel comfortable to relax, have meetings, work and enjoy good food and coffee.  We do not believe the university would easily be able to replicate this service or environment, and we appreciate it was only due to the persistence of the engineering department and the foresight of the university that we were able to do so.  It seems perverse to now bring this to an end. Many will miss it when it goes.
We have very much enjoyed creating this cafe. Thank you all for being part of it, and for your continuing support.
Suggested contact nos.
Simon Fanshawe
Vice chancellor - Michael Farthing